
Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year A Week Late!

Seriously, Happy New Year!  It seems that "late" has been my defining word "lately."  Ha!  I'm completely ashamed about that because it is one of my biggest pet peeves in others, but it seems I have joined the always late club.  I'm NOT proud.  And to be honest with everyone....I still haven't mailed my Christmas gift to my neice.  How pathetic, huh?  Another confession...all my Christmas decor is still up...along with the tacky decorations from my Ugly, Tacky Christmas Sweater party.  I had great expectations for this morning, but had a rough night with The Terrorist, a.k.a. my son, Hagan.  He coughed all night (poor kid) and kept me and the Hubs up...ugh. 

I started to accept that this would be another unproductive day, but something in me is propelling me to blog.  So, even though I have nothing planned to talk about, I will bore you :)

I just haven't been feeling well...not like I'm sick or even a cold.  Just overall, I don't feel well.  I feel tired and blah.  I lack motivation.  I have lost my creative inspiration because I'm always tired.  Here's the news: I think I may be diabetic.  My dad had it and two of my siblings have it.  I had gestational diabetes with The Terrorist and was told flat out by the doc if I did not lose weight, exercise and eat healthy that I would develop it by 40.  Guess what?  Instead of taking that to the last five years, I gained even more weight, have been drinking too much and eating like a teenage boy.   I'm currently waiting for the doc office to open to make an appointment.  I'm ready for a change....and just keeping it real...I'm writing this as I'm eating a cheese Totinos pizza.  Yeah, really.

My goals for this year:
1) Change my eating habits.
2) Exercise.
3) Cut back on alcohol (completely if I am diabetic)
4) Blog! Blog! Blog!
5) Put my business out more: Libby Six Productions: www/
6) Find my crafting mojo!

What are your goals for 2013?  Do you make resolutions?  Here's to hopping I start mine, keep it going, lose weight, and find my inner craft goddess again :)LIBBY

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