
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summertime and the Living is Easy.....If You're Three and If You're NOT Al Roker

My boy enjoying an evening outside...yeah, that's right...he's rocking aqua cowgirl boots and dino all are lucky that I convinced him to put those on....
I wonder if Al Roker is offended that Taste of Home magazine decided that he was now a sunburned white guy? in the hell did that go wrong??  I wonder what's going to happen when his people read it and show him......If anyone sees ANYTHING having to do with this, let a girl know!  I can't stop looking at it, shaking my head and thinking WTF?!?

This is what I did today

  The tray pedestal and shell used to look like this:
I found these at The Salvation Army thrift shop while out bargain hunting with the fabulous Sarah B.  Painted them up along with my cheese cloches that I had waiting around for a miracle for a few months...Everything else I had made previously and just pulled together.  The bad thing?????
I love the displays so much (my lame camera on my celly doesn't do the colors justice) that I now want to pull up a lawn chair, put my feet up on a cooler and have an ice cold beer....yup, right in my entry way....don't you judge me.....

I have another post coming your way in the morning...peace out!
Libby :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Starfish and a New Blog to STALK!

I found a new blog to stalk (at least new to me...954 other people found her first, but I'm not bitter or anything).   I'm so flippin' excited!!  She's pretty rad and very, very, VERY talented.  Her name is Lucy and you can find her at Craftberry Bush.  
This is the project that I saw and fell head over heels for immediately.  She has the BEST tutorials I have ever seen in Blogland.  More to follow on my project, but look at a few other things she's done:
She made her own Washi Tape.  How adorable!  She has great tutorial for making your own.
Ummmm.....this is made out of a single gumdrop.  That's right, a GUMDROP!!  Amazing, right?
A heart wreath.  She says that she loves to paint on book pages, especially with watercolors.  She has really beautiful projects with painted and plain book pages.  Check them out!
So cute, right?  These would be perfect to make if I were going with the vintage airplanes for Hagan's room, but did inspire me to make some clips for Hagan's room though.

Okay, here is my project using her tutorial for the starfish.
 Lucky for me, Haley had all this clay and shared with me.  I forgot to take pics of my steps when making it, but believe me, Lucy has a fantastic one here.  After baking them, I painted them blending white, brown and yellow.

 I strung them up with twine and attached them to the sign above our bed.  It needed something in that blank space above the writing and this works perfectly because I'm going a little beachy in there.

My starfish do not even come close to how good Lucy's look, but it was a fun, quick, easy project that was exactly what I needed.  Funny thing too...I had just pinned a similar idea on Pinterest, but I didn't want to spend money on starfish (they can be pricey!).  Perfect solution! Thanks Lucy!

I hope everyone is enjoying the long Memorial Day weekend!
Libby :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Laundry Room Redo...Not Like It's Going To Make Me WANT To Do Laundry

My friend, Sarah B., inspired me to make over my laundry room.  She was fixing her's up and I thought why not?  She made a cool sign that fit right in with my red washer and dryer, so it inspired the colors.  The signs are available here.

I'm actually very lucky, my girls have been doing their own laundry for about four years now, and since my son never wears clothes, I hardly ever have to do laundry!!  Lucky, lucky me!  Oh, my husband does his own laundry too (not to brag or anything :))

I forgot to take a before pic, but just imagine all the walls bare!
 I made these hooks and a tutorial will follow, but we have limited room in the laundry area, and we have to be able to hang up clothes to dry and this works for us.
 It seems like everyone has these "laundry definition" signs, but I don't have a Silhouette or Cricut, so I just printed it on scrapbook paper and framed it.
 The sign above the garage door, says "live simply."  I bought the sign at a yard sale and it was cream with country blue and pink flowers in the middle.  It NEEDED a makeover!

 The sign is my first attempt at making an anniversary present for my hubby, you can find that post here and this post is what saved my ass.
 I found out about six months ago, that Haley never knew to clean the lint trap.  Yeah.  Like I said, she has been doing her own laundry for four years.  Parent fail.
This is the awesome sign created by Sarah B.  Love, love, love it!
So, to make the hooks beefier (they were just hanging there looking all plain and pathetic), I took three boards, painted them red, modge podged on some scrapbook paper and screwed the hooks directly to the board.  Oh, and added sawtooth hangers on the back.

I wish I would have organized them better so that it went white, black, white, but that's what happens when you're me and don't think about the details :)

Happy, happy Friday!
Libby :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cry Me A River, Puff Balls and Wreaths

Ever wake up in the middle of the night with a song stuck in your head?  I do, ALL. THE.  TIME.  It is enough to drive me insane!  Last night it was Cry Me A River.  Don't get me wrong, I love me some JT, but I was disappointed with that mysterious part of the brain that picks the song to have played over and over and over again in my head.  If it would have been Damn Girl or Lovestoned, I would have been okay with it, but Cry Me A River???  That must mean I have issues.....or I inhaled too many E600 fumes.  SO, I am tired this morning, but wanted to share my "puff balls."  I am making these for another project that I will share next Friday.  They are part of a surprise for Haley (who is turning 18 and graduating on the same day!!!). 

I started out wanting to redo the wreath I had on the front door.  I am IN LOVE with navy blue at the moment and have had Krylon's Oxford Blue sitting in the garage for weeks just waiting for a project, so I deconstructed this wreath and went to town with the spray paint.  Can I just say that spray painting those types of wreaths is a pain in the ass?  Really.  Sorry no pictures of me being an incompetent spray painter.

Then I was finally successful at making those flowers that everyone in Blogland is great at....especially my girl, Sarah B.  She makes some bad ass flowers!  I cut up an old dress that I really liked a lot except when the wind blew and it flew up around my head.  No bueno.  Nobody wants to see me.

After attaching the flowers to the wreath, I was at a loss.  It looked so plain!  I searched through all my stuff and couldn't come up with anything.  At first it was a bunch of curse words, then I just decided to move on.  I started on my puff balls.  Wiffle balls and coffee filters from Dollar Tree.  I would have preferred to buy lanterns, but I looked at two different locations and none were to be found.  Boo.
Sorry for the all white blurry picture.  Once you twist the coffee filters into the flower shape, just put a crap ton (thank you Wendy, my sis-in-law, for that cute saying (although I cleaned it up a little for you)) of hot glue around the hole and stick in two filters at the same time.  You can fluff them once your done, or add more to the ball if you have big gaps.  This uses less filters and is quick.

After making this, I decided that it was what I needed for the wreath.  Although, if anyone else has any ideas for the wreath, throw me a bone!

Now off to the pool with my little man!  I know, it's a tough life.....cry me a river....

Have a FAB Thursday!
Libby :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


* Update!  I have found the blog where I saw this...and now that I saw it again...I really like theirs better :/  Oh well!  You can find it here One Charming Party*

Last week, while strolling through Blogland, I found a superhero party.  I loved the decorations, especially the comic book banner.  I have searched for that party and could not find it!  I'm kicking myself for not pinning it!!!!  Since my son is NOT having a superhero party (maybe next year, this year will be Disney/Mickey Mouse because we are taking him to Disney World), I FINALLY decided that I will decorate his bedroom in superheros and villains.  We will only be in this house for one more year, so I don't want to spend a lot of money on decorating.  I'm going to get creative and use what I have and what I can get for free.  While shopping at the BX a few days ago, I saw a comic in the toy section, so I picked up one.  When I went to pay, I realized they were FREE!!!!  YAY!!!  I picked up two more :)  I cut out triangles using my pinking shears and hot glued them to a ribbon.  I have two sets I'm doing, but only finished one this evening.  The first set has comics on the front and back, but the second set only has them on one side, so I'm going to add some construction paper to backs.  Sorry the following pics are so horrible, I am using my cell phone camera :/

 Now, these were hung in a hurry....Hagan was preoccupied with an empty box (oops, I mean, "his clubhouse").  And when I say preoccupied, I actually mean destroying, so I had to quickly and quietly run upstairs before he noticed me.  Otherwise, I never would have actually gotten them up, nor would I have gotten pictures.  They need to be moved in the morning ASAP before he notices them because he'll most likely use them as targets. 

These three lovely (and when I say lovely, I cute) canvases were painted my moi last year.  I looked at a coloring book and free-handed them onto the canvas.  I was never really happy with them, so they will soon become superhero posters, maybe even throw a villain in there for good measure.  Haley also said that since Hagan is moving into her room (when she goes to college) she would paint him a comic strip under the chair railing in the room.....that sounds like such an awesome idea, but I don't know.  I worry I will have a hard time leaving it, and painting over it when we move out would most likely kill me dead.  Okay, that's a little dramatic, but you get my point!  If she painted it, it would be too fabulous to have that happen, so I'm trying to think of an alternative.  I've gotten some of my inspiration from Cheri over at I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar.  Her son, Rex, has the BEST superhero room EVER!!  I believe she said she was inspired by Pottery Barn for his bed...but definitely check out Rex's room!  She has a very talented family! 

Here is another project I am working on too:
More to come with that one!  Once again, sorry for the crappy pictures....I'm thinking Haley has banned me from using her camera...BOOOOO!

Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome weekend!
Libby :)